To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press the "Track" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received.

Please remove the # sign when entering the order ID. Ex: Your ORDER ID: #XYZ321 -> Please enter: XYZ321

Order Status

An order also has a Status. Order statuses let you know how far along the order is, starting with “Pending payment” and ending with “Completed.” The following order statuses are used:

Pending payment — Order received, no payment initiated. Awaiting payment (unpaid).

Failed — Payment failed or was declined (unpaid) or requires authentication (SCA). Note that this status may not show immediately and instead show as Pending until verified (e.g., PayPal).

Processing — Payment received (paid) and stock has been reduced; order is awaiting fulfillment.

Completed — Order fulfilled and complete.

On hold — Awaiting payment.

Canceled — Canceled by an admin or the customer.

Refunded — Refunded by an admin.

Authentication required — Awaiting action by the customer to authenticate the transaction and/or complete SCA requirements.